Gas Magazine for the SSX-23 and SSX-303. Holds 24 BBs.
Improved Feedlip design for more reliable feeding. Update your Gen1 magazine with this sparepart.
Compatible with non-blowback pistols from Marui, Y&P, Stti, KJW, and ASG.
Always keep gas in your magazines for storage. If you store them empty they will start leaking.
BBs should be loaded from the bottom, not through the feed lips.
Using High-Pressure Gas at more than 10°C can break your magazine’s seal.
Follow this chart to make sure your magazines will last for a long time and to get the best performance out of your SSX-23.
Temperature Ideal Gas Ideal BBs
0°C to 5*C Super High Pressure0.28
5°C to 10*C High Pressure 0.36
10°C to 20*C Medium Pressure 0.36
20°C to 50*C Low Pressure 0.36
Gun Compatibility
SSX23 Yes
SSP18 No